Lawyers in big, leading corporate law firms have a choice to make; either to broaden their horizon and adequately grasp concepts and principles of IIL and, thus, be able to represent foreign as well as domestic clients, or to be limited in their clientele base. This course aims to help present a comprehensive picture of the basic concepts and principles of IIL. At the same time, it aims to shed on how these concepts and principles are applied in practice by investment arbitration tribunals. In order to achieve its goal
About the Course
Lawyers in big, leading corporate law firms have a choice to make; either to broaden their horizon and adequately grasp concepts and principles of IIL and, thus, be able to represent foreign as well as domestic clients, or to be limited in their clientele base. This course aims to help present a comprehensive picture of the basic concepts and principles of IIL. At the same time, it aims to shed on how these concepts and principles are applied in practice by investment arbitration tribunals. In order to achieve its goal
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