Column - One Step Forward, 80 Years Backwards: The Story of Uighurs in China

History’s most appalling and tragic systematic persecution of the Jewish ethnic group by the Nazis across Europe occurred almost 80 years ago, during World War II. It would seem a long time has passed when such ideas and policies that tortured and degraded minority groups dominated the better part of the 1900s. Due to international treaties and regulations put in place, the fundamental rights and interests of individuals have been guaranteed. It would appear that modern society is incapable of disturbing that peace or reinstating the degree of human degradation and persecution that took place in 1940. However, this is not the circumstance in Xinjiang, where there are approximately over 3 million Uighurs detained in concentration camps, only a step away from repeating history.

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Insight - How Tangible Is It to Have Women Judges in The Egyptian State Council?

With the recent announcement that, for the first time in Egypt's judicial history, women will have the opportunity to be appointed in The Egyptian Council of State at positions being either "Representative" or "Procurator", which are the first steps that would ultimately lead to being appointed as judge. However, any applicants must already hold a position at either the Administrative Prosecution or the State Lawsuit Authority and will be appointed via a transfer process.

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How Business Behaviour is Regulated in Egypt

The freedom to compete is fundamental in every society and implies a process under which lawmakers try to regulate rather than eliminate competition. Business behaviour of persons, whether it be ‘natural or juristic persons, economic entities, unions, financial associations and groupings, [or] groups of persons’ transacting in the Egyptian market is therefore regulated by the Law on Protection of Competition and Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices enshrined under Law no.3 of 2005 (‘the Law).

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Student Article - Public Service

الخدمة العامة التي وردت بنص القانون رقم 76لسنه 1973والذي نص في مادته الاولي علي: يجوز بقرار من وزير الشئون الاجتماعية تكليف الشباب من الجنسين الذين أتموا من المراحل التعليمية ، المرحلة الثانوية أو أية مرحلة معادلة طبقا للقانون ، أو مرحلة التعليم فوق المتوسط ، أو مرحلة التعليم العالى ، ممن يزيدون على حاجة القوات المسلحة أو يتقرر إعفاؤهم من الخدمة العسكرية للعمل فى مجالات منه: النيابة العامة والمحاكم - الشباب ورياضة - الخدمـات التعليمية ...

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Legal Opinion - Personal Data Protection Law no. 151 of 2020

خلال أزمة كورونا اللي بنعيشها دلوقتي ، غالباً بقى لينا كلنا حياة افتراضية بنمارس فيها احتياجتنا اليومية من خلال استخدام شبكة الانترنت بشكل مستمر بنشتري حاجات البيت اونلاين ونتعلم اونلاين وندفع فواتير اونلاين حتى زيارة المتاحف بقيت كمان اونلاين ، وطبعاً ممارسة الحياة الافتراضية بتحتاج انك تفصح عن معلومات شخصية تكشف عن هويتك ، علشان كده في شهر سبعة اللي فات صدر قانون حماية البيانات الشخصية رقم 151 لسنة 2020 ودخل حيز النفاذ منذ 14/10/2020 ، اهم سؤال نبتدي بيه المقال ايه هي البيانات الشخصية اللي بيحميها القانون ده؟؟؟ وبيحميها من ايه؟؟؟

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